Case Studies
Our work speaks for itself…

ABA Local Tax Increase Fight
The American Beverage Association represents the largest non-alcoholic beverage companies in the United States. In 2016, Cook County, Illinois – which encompasses Chicago and many suburbs – passed a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. DSG helped to repeal the tax in 72 days through a county-wide campaign focused on the financial impact to residents and small business owners.

Education Ballot Question
Dewey Square Group ran a successful campaign opposing a statewide ballot question to expand charter schools in Massachusetts. Question 2, pushed by well-funded, out-of-state entities, would have reduced funding for public schools across the state.

Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC)
Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) retained Dewey Square Group to assist in developing and managing HCSC’s Be Covered campaign, an initiative to connect Affordable Care Act subsidy-eligible families with user friendly educational resources to access health insurance.

Immigration Hub
The Dewey Square Group’s Latinovations team has helped the Immigration Hub, an advocacy group dedicated to advancing fair and just immigration policies, in their efforts to change the narrative around immigration by pushing for fair and balanced solutions to our country’s broken immigration system.

Microsoft Computer Coalition
Dewey Square Group created and managed all aspects of a broad-based coalition to secure Federal funding for K-12 computer science education. We oversaw and executed numerous public relations and outreach tactics aimed at Congressional and Administration targets with the goal of securing Congressional approval for funding of the program.

Online Advertising to Counter Disinformation During Presidential Campaign
As part of an overall “get-out-the-vote” ad campaign leading up to the 2020 Presidential Election, Dewey square Group’s mission was to inform key groups targeted by others to receive election disinformation – most specifically, 18- to 45-year-old African American voters – in six battleground states.

Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture
The opening of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) marked a historic moment when the country paused to celebrate, reflect and explore significant contributions and cultural impact of African Americans throughout our history.

Ultimate Fighting Championship
Dewey Square Group represented the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in its successful quest to expand mixed martial arts (MMA) operations into Massachusetts, achieving that goal through a strategic government relations and grassroots outreach campaign.