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Education Ballot Question

Dewey Square Group ran a successful campaign opposing a statewide ballot question to expand charter schools in Massachusetts. Question 2, pushed by well-funded, out-of-state entities, would have reduced funding for public schools across the state.

DSG built and led a coalition of public officials, teachers and community organizations in a statewide grassroots and media campaign with unified messaging and an unmatched get out the vote operation on Election Day.

In a resounding victory, the No on 2 campaign won a total of 334 of 351 cities and towns and defeated the initiative by a 24-point state-wide margin, despite being outspent almost two-to-one. In all, more than two million Massachusetts voters cast No votes.

The Boston Globe noted the campaign’s “sprawling field operation” that reached an estimated 1.5 million voters statewide as critical to the campaign’s success.